
Angela's Pet Monster Chap. 13

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Soon Randall reached the warehouse. While he caught his breath, Sulley came jogging up. "You gotta run like a man!" He called back to Mike, who in his and Randall's opinion, was running like a girl. "Get your knees up!"

Mike ran while lifting his knees up high. Randall laughed at the ridiculous sight.

"I…hate…running." Mike gasped.

"C'mon, this is good exercise." Sulley said, patting Mike's head. "Besides, it's to rescue someone."

"What took you slowpokes so long?" Randall asked, crossing his arms.

"Hey, we aren't as fast as you!" Mike snarled.

"All right, let's not argue." Sulley said. "We're here to rescue Angela."

"Yeah!" Randall exclaimed, his mind snapping back to his human. "We gotta get in!" He bolted for the door.

"Whoa, whoa whoa!" Sulley exclaimed, grabbing Randall's tail. "Hold your horses, Randall. We can't just waltz right in." He held Randall up by the tail.

"Whaddaya mean we can't!" Randall, who was hanging upside down, yelled. "Angela's in there!"

"SHHH!" Sulley yelled, closing Randall's mouth with his hand. "Waternoose'll hear you! Look, we need to sneak in, and destroy the Scream Extractor. Then get Angela out, and get the CDA here ASAP to arrest Waternoose. Got that?"

Randall nodded; Sulley removed his hand. "Got it. We gotta sneak in; quiet as mice."

Mike looked in the window; he turned back, pale in the face. "Eh, guys, you got a plan B?" He asked nervously.

Randall turned towards the window; this time, he threw up.
Waternoose dragged Angela to a chair and sat her in it; he pulled a lap bar over her lap and locked her wrists on it. "You said you wouldn't hurt me!" She snarled. "You said you wouldn't touch me till Randall came back!"

"He's taking too long." Waternoose said in a bored tone. "Besides, it'll be more fun to see his face when he sees you slumped where you sit."

"You wouldn't dare!"

Waternoose, not listening, turned towards a gearbox with buttons. "We're ready." He nodded.

Blue eyes pierced through dark shadows above the box; an evil, feminine chuckle sounded. Shadowed hands turned a knob and moved three switches up. The Scream Extractor roared to life; the vacuum tube moved slowly towards Angela.

Angela leaned back; her eyes were wide with fright. The vacuum tube neared her slowly; air was being sucked in. "R-Randall." Angela whimpered. "Where are you?" The vacuum tube came too close for comfort; Angela took a deep breath and screamed.

"RRRR!" Suddenly, Randall burst into the room, and with a roar, he pushed the Scream Extractor with his shoulder as hard as he could.

"Randall!" Angela gasped happily

"Boggs!" Waternoose snapped.

"Rrrrrr." Randall growled. Soon, he pushed the Scream Extractor off its hinges. He stood on his back legs and kicked the Scream Extractor with his feet and bottom hands; the Scream Extractor slid a little ways away, trapping Waternoose between it and the wall.

"Randall!" Angela cried; furry blue arms thrust the bar lap up, freeing the girl, but she didn't notice. "You came back!" She wrapped her arms around Randall.

"Of course I came back!" Randall exclaimed, hugging Angela back. "I wouldn't ever leave you!"

Angela looked over Randall's shoulder; she saw a large blue, furry monster with purple spots, and a medium-sized, round green monster with one eye. "R-R-R-Randall." She whimpered, pointing at the monsters.

Randall looked to where she was pointing and chuckled. "It's ok, Angela. They're with me. They're helping me to rescue you."

The blue monster nodded. "My name is Sulley, and this is Mike." He gestured at the round green monster.

"You ok, kid?" Mike asked.

Angela nodded.

"Good." Sulley smiled. "We better get you out of here."

"I'm not going anywhere without Randall!"

"Don't worry, Angel." Randall smiled, patting Angela's shoulder. "I just gotta give Waternoose what he deserved. I'll come back later."

"…Did you call me 'Angel'?" Angela asked, raising one eyebrow.

"…Um…uh…eh…" Randall blushed nervously.

"We don't have time for this!" Mike exclaimed, grabbing Angela's wrist. "We gotta get you out of here!"

"Be careful." Angela said, hugging Randall again; she followed Mike and Sulley out of the warehouse.

"Boggs, you let her escape!" Waternoose scowled, climbing out from behind the Scream Extractor.

"Exactly." Randall grinned, disappearing.

"Where are you, you traitorous snake!" Waternoose snapped, looking around. Suddenly, invisible punches were thrown at the former CEO. Up and down, left and right, all unseen. Then, a Scream Canister floated up and was thrown towards Waternoose.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Waternoose!" Randall sneered, reappearing; he was hanging upside down, standing on the ceiling.

"What's happened, Randall?" Waternoose sighed. "You've stooped low as to asking Sullivan and Wazowski for help. What has this world come to?"

"It's simple, really." Randall smirked, jumping down. "I met Angela. She's changed me for the better-"

"And you love her." Waternoose said.

"Of course! She's my owner; my best friend!"

"No, I mean the other kind of love." Waternoose said. "The kind where you love one more than a friend."

Randall raised one eyebrow confused. "Not following."

"Do I have to spell it out for you!" Waternoose shouted. "You! Are! In! Love! With! A! HUMAN!"

Randall's eyes widened. "WHAT! You're crazy!"

"Am I? I'm not the one who calls my owner 'Angel'!"

Randall growled; Waternoose was getting on his nerves. Suddenly, his sharp ears picked up the vehicles of the CDA. Randall smirked; he knew what to do. "23-19! We got a 23-19!" He yelled.

Immediately, yellow CDA agents thundered in. Randall disappeared as the agents grabbed and arrested Waternoose. He slithered out and found Sulley and Mike, standing a few yards away; Angela was hiding behind the big, furry monster.

"Congratulations, Mr. Sullivan." Number One Agent, Roz, said in her usual low tone. "You've helped capture Waternoose…again."

"Well, thank you Roz." Sulley smiled; he felt Randall walk up and stand to his left. "But we couldn't do it without a reformed friend." He laid a hand on Randall's shoulder as the purple monster reappeared.

"Mr. Boggs." Roz said calmly. "I have a warrant for your arrest, as you aided Waternoose in his plan six and a half months ago,"

Randall bowed his head and sighed. "I know."

"No." Angela whispered.

"However," Roz continued. "Seeing as you aided Mr. Sullivan in arresting Waternoose, I'm sure I can let this slide."

Randall's head shot up; his eyes were wide. "You're…you're serious?"

"But, if you do any crimes again, you'll know what will happen."

Randall nodded. "I'm a reformed monster, Roz. I'll be good."

"Excellent; take him away, boys." Roz said to the agents holding Waternoose. "And I don't want to see any paperwork on this." She slithered towards the CDA vehicles.
Once they were gone, Angela came out from behind Sulley and hugged Randall. "Oh, Randall! I was so afraid you were gonna get arrested!"

"It's ok, Angela." Randall smiled, hugging Angela back. "I'm not going to get arrested."

Tears ran down Angela's cheeks. "I was so scared!" She sniffled. "I was afraid you weren't going to make it! I was so scared!"

"Shhh. It's ok; it's all over." Randall whispered, running his fingers through Angela's loose blonde hair. "You're safe, and that's all that matters. It's ok; you're gonna be ok." He laid his chin on Angela's and gently rocked her back and forth, softly and soothingly humming in her ear as she continued to sob.

Sulley sighed and wiped a tear from his eye. "That's so sweet." He sighed. "Especially coming from Randall." He looked down at Mike, who was sniffling. "Hey, you crying?" Sulley nudged his friend.

"What? No! I…I just got something in my eye." Mike protested, rubbing his eye.

"Sure." Sulley smirked. "Still, isn't that sweet?"

"How is Randall hugging and humming to a human sweet?"

"He's changed. He wouldn't do that with Boo if his life depended on it." Sulley explained. "Being Angela's pet's really changed him for the better."

Randall sighed and released Angela. "Seriously, it's gonna be ok." He said, placing his top hands on her shoulders. "Waternoose is being 'escorted' to prison as we speak. He won't be able to hurt you anymore."

Angela smiled and nodded.

"Ok, I hate to interrupt this, but there is the matter of getting Angela home." Sulley said.

Randall nodded.

"Looks like we're going home." Angela smiled.

"'We'?" Mike asked. "Who's 'we'?"

"Me and Randall, of course."

Sulley sighed. "I'm sorry Angela, but Randall can't go home with you."
A/N A little story about Randall Boggs being adopted by humans, mistaking him for a dog/lizard hybrid. I know it's a stupid idea, and sounds a lot like "Lilo and Stitch", but don't flame me; I have a weird imagination. Monsters Inc characters belong to Disney and Pixar; Angela and her friends and family belong to me.

When Randall is adopted by a lonely teenager named Angela, he swears to himself he wouldn't go soft like Sullivan. Will he keep his promise after he and his owner become best friends?
Randall, Sulley and Mike rescue Angela, and Waternoose is arrested.
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